Huwebes, Marso 22, 2012


Given that the English language has recently been branded as the first emerging global lingua franca (a language used widely beyond the population of its native speakers), it is virtually impossible nowadays not to know a few basic English phrases. With over a billion people speaking it, a working knowledge of the English language is an essential requirement in many professions, with English being the prominent language in communications, tourism, science, business, aviation, entertainment and diplomacy. Half of all the world’s business deals are conducted in English, two thirds of scientific papers are written in English, and over 70% of all post is written and addressed in English. Although the French, Spanish and Arabic languages may disagree profusely as a matter of cultural pride, it is unsurprising that English is destined to become the unofficial international language in future times. According to recent figures, there are now more English speaking people in China than there are in America.

I. The Isles of My Portfolio in English 121 (Writing in the Discipline)

II. Students Outputs of E-Portfolio

III. Writing in the Discipline as a Platform in Education for Sustainable Dvelopment

Writing is an art that we use everyday in order for us to communicate and to express our feelings. When we say Writing in Discipline its a of writing that is using rules and conditions. In science we use rules, laws, theorem, and postulates, in writing we also use rules too in order for us to write it correctly. A student must learn this things because in order for a student to express his feelings. When a student express his feelings he can easily communicate intelligently.

IV. Reflection in English 121

The number one and the most important i learn in this subject  is how to write and use the English language properly. I also learn that in writing English grammar it should be grammatically correct. Sometimes when hear a person speaking the English language you would never expect that it is wrong, because sometimes its sounds correct but when you apply the rules in constructing sentences you can easily correct it or you can easily determine it is wrong.

V. Integration of Education for Sustainable Development to English 121

In English 121 the student learn how to write in correct manner and in correct grammar. Every words, phrases, and clauses has a different function depending on how they are use or write. The student needs to learn those things in order for him to be GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE enhance himself in speaking and writing the English language. Many people use English language in a wrong manner, so it is important for us students to learn the English language.